Welcome To Our Website

Welcome to the official website of the Tennessee Fifth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. We are a conglomeration of 80+ individual congregations that work together to accomplish the work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Take a moment to peruse our pages. Learn of our wonderful history. Become acquainted with our jurisdictional leadership and auxiliaries. If you’re looking for a church home, take a moment and search our church directory to become familiar with a ministry that would best suit the needs of your family. Stay abreast of our upcoming District, Regional and National Services and events as well. Enjoy our official website. Visit one of our churches in the brotherhood.

– Bishop Jerry Wayne Taylor, Jurisdictional Prelate


“Serving The Lord in The Spirit of Excellence” Hebrews 11:4


(All Local, District, Jurisdictional, and National)

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TN 5th Event Calendar

COGIC Souls Data Form

Announcement Requests